Growth Mindset

The evolution is real! When we are courageous enough to be continually growing as a person, we are rewarded by the universe for our efforts. We live in a culture riddled with distractions, there are so many ways to pass time without really even participating in anything. Sometimes we can feel like an outsider because we are hungry to know more about the world, more about ourselves and generally possess a feverish curiosity which seem to be dormant attributes at large.

I think if we are born into an environment that doesn’t encourage a sense of growth it has to be developed internally, although it was well within our natural capacity as children. This has been the plot line to my story over the past few years, “how can I be comfortable with being uncomfortable?” exchanged for words that suggest we are not complete and there is room for improvement every single day. After a while it can become this game to look at our weaker attributes as a person, get real and embrace them and then work on strengthening those areas up.

I love being completely wrong about things, it no longer crushes my ego…. Instead I feel liberated to know that I am always and will always be growing and there are so many people out there assisting me in either a subconscious or conscious way on their part to help me adapt my ways of being to become more whole within myself. Sometimes we learn how not to do things through observing other people rather than our own experience.

Overall I think that a growth mindset is essential in every aspect of our lives because when we become complacent we lose the sparkle in our eyes, we ‘know’ too much and think too little. Remain curious for your own health.

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