Ode to the wise

I feel like in today’s society we have lost some reverence for our elders; we have scarred ageing as a undesired deterioration of the human form.  We have businesses whose sole purpose is to capitalise on the nation’s growing desire to stay youthful –whether through means cosmetic surgery or some other wonder solution to offset the visibility of ageing. We want to be young because when you are young you are relevant and when you grow older you may lose a sense of immediacy with the world around you— which may actually be a good thing in some respects. Just … Continue reading Ode to the wise

Place to Belong

As Humans, we are bound to the necessity of belonging in some capacity. Without this to sustain us, we may feel estranged from the buoyancy of companionships. Life can become a cacophony of noise to mask the innate desires we should fulfil as we opt to replace wholesomeness with convenience and placate love with lust. I think I am slowly but surely coming to terms with myself to the point whereby I can openly express my experiences of feeling like a misfit. And as I sense this gathering more and more momentum and I continue to search within myself—my convictions … Continue reading Place to Belong

We live in an ‘Alternate Reality.’

We have such a high level of autonomy available in our lives these days as the consensus-driven agendas of mass media are slowly becoming less and less pertinent. We have the ability to choose the content we enjoy from an almost unlimited supply of options. And yes, while we are still heavily groomed by advertisements and the unrealistic portrayal of ‘the good life’ we no longer have to participate if we don’t want to — the skip button on YouTube usually does the job. The internet is unquenchable in its variety and this in itself can be dangerous, Pablo Picasso … Continue reading We live in an ‘Alternate Reality.’

Courageously Authentic

Now, I am far from courageous—or at least the heroism that courage depicts of itself in my minds eye feels far off. At times, I may appear meek and self-effacing or, at best afforded a penetrable layer of strength, and I often imagine courage to live outside of myself. But, I also—rather contradictorily— do not think of courage as requiring the perfection of a superhero—instead, existing in spite of fear, doubt, and uncertainty. So I give myself the benefit of that doubt. What I can say for definite though is that this topic of conversation enthrals me makes me want … Continue reading Courageously Authentic

What Story are you telling yourself?

We all create a ‘narrative’ for ourselves, whether these ‘narratives’ are believed to be actively participated in or not— there is a definite story unfolding by the way in which we interact with the world. If we are passive about our story, it may unfold without sentimentality or meaning, and we won’t fully understand why we do what we do. But if we are co-creating the story, we can add colours and depth to our experience and interpret the things we are going through not only as an active participant but also an observer. The mind is a powerful tool … Continue reading What Story are you telling yourself?

Why not enjoy the journey?

It took Leonard Cohen two whole years to write the timeless piece Halleluiah. He’d wrote something close to 81 verses in his search for the ‘perfect’ sequence of words. His creative toil paid dividends as we all know now, and the song stands out as one of the most rebirthed, re-energised pieces ever created. It is hard to believe anything other than it echoing into eternity. Dissatisfaction is an asset because without this relentless drive for excellence we don’t get songs like Halleluiah. Many of the greats in all areas have and will be propelled by the need to give one … Continue reading Why not enjoy the journey?


My most enjoyable moments are always synonymous with an effortless flow of activity; whereby I am feeling peaceful, whole and stimulated. There is usually a lack of self-consciousness involved too, which is why it is such a comforting feeling in this world of judgement and over-arching identity. When I was out walking in North Wales a couple of years ago with a friend, the expanse of green that surrounded us was so spacious, so unconditionally accepting of our presence that around 4 hours into the hike I submerged into a trance. My field of vision was so slow to reveal new … Continue reading Flow