In the heat of admiration

Sometimes we are inspired by the powerful surge of beauty that makes the mind redundant. It is the waves of feeling that meet a desolate shore; the parts of them you have never seen elsewhere in another vessel. It is where the civilised meets the jungle sprawl, where ice meets fire—where the mind meets the heart. We exist in a world where love is reduced to less than what it should be; maybe it is because many of us are scared to be alone. We worship the aesthetic nature of the people we encounter more so than the ineffable beauty … Continue reading In the heat of admiration

Walk this way

Walking seems to be one of the only modes of movement that transcends time; it is easy to overlook the few things that survive in society because they are so inherent, but maybe the momentum of putting on foot in front of the other at a natural human pace holds more power than we give it credit. Or, perhaps rather than just the metronome of steady movement it is the way in which we encounter the world and the natural conditions walking in it provides. We all walk unless encumbered by a physical ailment that doesn’t allow it—but most of … Continue reading Walk this way

‘Higher Power’

Surrendering to something unfathomable seems wise when the path is undistinguished and grey. Without the levity that comes from acknowledging a higher power in the cosmos orchestrating (to a large extent) this grand show called life, it would be easy to believe that we hold all the answers. To the opposite effect, if we relinquish all self-will and become hostage to esoteric forces and superstitions we will lose our footing on reality. There is a sweet spot we must find. Humans for millenniums have sought to find ‘something more’ to help guide us through the murky waters of life. I … Continue reading ‘Higher Power’

What’s going on?

Amid an array of sombre but delicate songs on Marvin Gaye’s  album “What’s going on” rests one of the prominent singles (‘mercy me’) which oozes so much concern for the world, all the while standing buoyantly on a smooth melody working in unison to create a moody disco atmosphere. The album was a change in tone for the ‘prince of soul’;  it wasn’t necessarily an album that inspired the same juiciness as some of his other work, but it was such an important piece. The reason I mention it is because it was released in 1971 well over four decades … Continue reading What’s going on?


I have realised that I am merely an assortment of arbitrary puzzle pieces that do not culminate to a greater whole but sit at odds amongst each other like a rabble of all the friends I’ve ever had. “She said I was interested in everything and committed to nothing” Gregory David Roberts—Shantaram I am forever ricocheting around from one idea to the next like a pin ball trying to hit the jackpot. Who am I? All those enlightened sages who profess “the answers are within” do not help, not when it comes to pleasing the mind. The heart knows though; … Continue reading Fragments


When I think of the word exuberance, I am transported in my mind to a peaceful Mediterranean village where life siesta’s from one day to the next. The sun beams down on their olive skin as they live a slow life full of depth and connection. The people are in love with the soil they tread, and there is an undiminishing vitality to the world in which they exist! The tomatoes are dark red and bursting with flavour; the local wine is the elixir of life itself. I feel so alive to imagine bathing in that sea of true pleasure; … Continue reading Exuberance


Performing tasks with elegance and grace always reveal a deep and long relationship with a craft. Utilised to create moments, materials and a world that is comprised of the most heightened and unique abilities. We should be so lucky to know what we want to become a master at, most of us don’t. The world of craftsmanship is a world of evolution hence why it may elude some people that are hoping to be an expert from the inception and cannot endure the slow simmering path to mastery. It is a way of life devoted to time, and if there … Continue reading Mastery

A world of Nature

I sit on what was once the bed of the Silurian sea 428 million years ago. Surrounded by newly existent trees—green and ripe with the renaissance of spring—roots older than I can imagine but along the respective lineage new and full of hope. The Sun welcome on my neglected skin. This plot of nature reserved for its fossils and although only stretching itself a couple of miles—civilisation resuming at the edges—it is a little world unto itself that I frequent with pleasure in my heart. I often wake up extra early to for a chance visit my local nature reserve … Continue reading A world of Nature

The Art of Conversation

We all enjoy an interesting conversation. We may be on the train overhearing a genuinely absorbing exchange, listening to a podcast or actively partaking in the excitements ourselves. What separates the mundane drivel that leaves no impression from the titillating ear perking dynamic of a stimulating conversation? Most people would assume a point of interest would be a starting point and I agree that’s the half of it. But I think more than that it balls down to a few things; that including the levels of engagement, authenticity and passion. Because if someone is talking about something they love it … Continue reading The Art of Conversation

Still I rise

Maya Angelou is a household name, and up until recently for me, she was just the man or women (I wasn’t sure at the time) who was mentioned with high esteem in Kanye’s West ode to his mother on the Track “hey mama”.   “CAN’T YOU SEE, YOU’RE LIKE A BOOK OF POETRY, MAYA ANGELOU, NIKKI GIOVANNI TURN ONE PAGE, AND THERE’S MY MOMMY.”   I also briefly remember finding a book of her poems tired and dusty in the shed when I was a child, but that’s about all of the knowledge I had of what I now know … Continue reading Still I rise