
I have realised that I am merely an assortment of arbitrary puzzle pieces that do not culminate to a greater whole but sit at odds amongst each other like a rabble of all the friends I’ve ever had. “She said I was interested in everything and committed to nothing” Gregory David Roberts—Shantaram I am forever ricocheting around from one idea to the next like a pin ball trying to hit the jackpot. Who am I? All those enlightened sages who profess “the answers are within” do not help, not when it comes to pleasing the mind. The heart knows though; … Continue reading Fragments


When I think of the word exuberance, I am transported in my mind to a peaceful Mediterranean village where life siesta’s from one day to the next. The sun beams down on their olive skin as they live a slow life full of depth and connection. The people are in love with the soil they tread, and there is an undiminishing vitality to the world in which they exist! The tomatoes are dark red and bursting with flavour; the local wine is the elixir of life itself. I feel so alive to imagine bathing in that sea of true pleasure; … Continue reading Exuberance