5 Natural ways to calm your mind.

The stigmatisation of mental health is creating a silent generation of sufferers. This will only ever exacerbate the problem because depression loves isolation as it provides fertile ground for every imaginable thought to fester and grow into what feels like an insurmountable force. It becomes harder to see the light at the end of the tunnel as we drown in our anxieties and self-hatred. The more this force gains momentum, the more we must seek out ways to soothe the neurosis. I want to share five natural ways to calm your mind so that you can regain your vitality. All … Continue reading 5 Natural ways to calm your mind.

Views on Porn

Living in a prudent culture with a collective reticence to open up conversations about our experiences as sexual beings create a tundra of frozen knowledge where there should be dense forestation and exuberant wellsprings of it. When we crest into puberty a little dishevelled and becoming ever more sexually aware, we need an outlet for these new sensations that seem unquenchable at that age. This is the time when most kids (teenage boys in particular) begin their forays into the dopamine-fuelled world of pornography. Becoming the touchstone of all knowledge, often precluding any organic discovery of sex. I don’t think … Continue reading Views on Porn


When we think of our inner child, we may think back to an idyllic moment in time. The summers were long, and the worries were few. Our sense of awe and wonder preceded all other emotions and self-consciousness was not yet a burden. We would talk loud, and dance like no one was watching—and even if they were, we would welcome their attention with a cheeky grin. We were free. We may know that inner child is buried amongst the conflictions of being an adult, but conceding of that well of creativity inside of us would be unfortunate. Imagine if J.K … Continue reading Imagination

Ethical Sympathies

Oscar Wilde was a romantic in the truest sense of the word. I was re-reading the preface of his book ‘The Picture of Dorian Grey”, where he—unabashed and fully convicted in his sentiments—ruminates on what it means to be an Artist: “NO ARTIST HAS ETHICAL SYMPATHIES. AN ETHICAL SYMPATHY IN AN ARTIST IS AN UNPARDONABLE MANNERISM OF STYLE. NO ARTIST IS EVER MORBID. THE ARTIST CAN EXPRESS EVERYTHING. THOUGHT AND LANGUAGE ARE TO THE ARTIST INSTRUMENTS OF ART. VICE AND VIRTUE ARE TO THE ARTIST MATERIALS FOR ART.” OSCAR WILDE It may sound a little detached or even psychopathic (yes, … Continue reading Ethical Sympathies

The power of insignificance

 I want to talk about ‘the power of insignificance’, as a relief from the myopic views we may have of our own self-importance, and a reminder that we are but a tiny fragment of the universe. I used to—and occasionally still do— internalise a significance within myself that does not allow me to release my true authenticity for fear of being judged. There is an endless playfulness within my spirit but, seldom do I open up my idiosyncracies to the crowds of people who must be watching my every single move. I feel stiff; I feel cumbersome—hyper aware of every … Continue reading The power of insignificance